Rheinsteig Stage 7: Sayn – Koblenz 20km

Rheinsteig Stage 7: Sayn – Koblenz 20km

In this article I write about my seventh stage on the Rheinsteig from Sayn to Koblenz to the fortress Ehrenbreitstein. The article is part of my Rheinsteig series, here it goes to the stage overview and here it goes back to the sixth stage.

Day:September 03. 2017
Start:08:00 am – Sayn
Goal:05:00 pm – Campground Koblenz
Distance:20 km / 12,42 Miles

Important notes for the 7th stage

Are there shopping facilities on the 7th stage of the Rheinsteig?
Yes, in Vallendar and especially in Koblenz there are many shopping possibilities, because these are larger cities. 

Is it possible to refill water on the 7th stage of the Rheinsteig?
Yes, along the Rheinsteig there are various rest stops in the forest and smaller villages and towns where you can fill up your water.

Where can I spend the night on the 7th stage of the Rheinsteig?
In Koblenz there are many hotels and guesthouses but also a youth hostel in the Ehrenbreitstein fortress. Here, however, you should reserve a bed before. Alternatively there is a very nice and good campground in Koblenz opposite the “Deutsches Eck”. 

How is the marking of the route on the 7th stage of the Rheinsteig?
The marking behind Sayn is not always very clear. In the forest behind Sayn you should look carefully. If you haven’t seen a Rheinsteig symbol after 15 minutes, you are probably lost. Then just go back and look for symbols. 

Map – From Sayn to Koblenz

May 31, 2018 11:14 pm
  • Distance 20 km
  • Time 5 h 20 min
  • Speed 4.0 km/h
  • Min altitude 63 m
  • Peak 274 m
  • Climb 944 m
  • Descent 958 m
  • Distance Instructions

Foggy start on the way to Koblenz

I leave Sayn early and head to Koblenz. The path passes first the Sayn Castle and then goes back into the forest. A dense fog prevents the sun from illuminating the day and the dense trees look mystical and spooky. Now I realize where the Grimm brothers got the ideas for their fairy tales.

At the scout camp Brexbachtal I meet again a commemorative plaque with the following inscription: “At this place a German soldier was executed by a firing squad on April 6, 1940 because of a desertion from the flag”, which makes the forest even more creepy and ghostly.

Around noon the fog disappears and the sun comes out. I take a break in the Waldgaststätte Wüstenhof, which offers a great view and is well frequented. Somehow, the loneliness of the hike is bothering me so much that I find myself in a real low. I enjoy a non-alcoholic beer and a cappuccino and hope that I feel better afterwards. But somehow it doesn’t work.

The conversation with a good friend

I get my smartphone out of my pocket and try to distract myself. I see that my good hiker friend Basti is online, who is currently travelling in Australia. We decide to skype and I pour out my heart to him. Somehow everything sucks: condensate in the tent, no one on the Rheinsteig, food is crap and I thought it would be different. I don’t know how Basti did it, but in two or three sentences he completely turned me around and rebuilt me.

“Martin dude! It’s all a brain thing! If you can handle your thoughts here, then you can handle everything!
And fuck condensate in the tent and bad food. That’s the price for your minimalist lifestyle. That’s the compromise you make as a Hiker!”

My hiking friend Basti via Skype

I don’t know how others would have reacted, but Basti’s words really motivated me to go on and change my attitude towards myself and the Rheinsteig. Thank you Basti!

I solved the condensate problem afterwards by using my microfiber towel to wipe up the condensate, which worked better than I thought. Now I only needed to get the towel dry instead of the whole tent. Even if the solution sounds simple, it was only Basti’s impulse and the change in my mindset that brought me to this conclusion.

Arrival in Koblenz

It goes on to Koblenz and I am determined to continue the Rheinsteig and to get my thoughts under control. The route continues through forests, the small town of Vallendar, smaller villages and finally to the fortress park Koblenz. Here the Ehrenbreitstein fortress thrones over the town of Koblenz.

Arrived in Koblenz, I want to go to the youth hostel on the Ehrenbreitstein fortress, which is completely booked out. Fortunately there is a beautiful campground in Koblenz directly in front of the “Deutsches Eck”, where I head directly for. 

Conclusion of the day: Those who can control their thoughts have a real advantage. Here it goes now directly to the eighth stage.

I hope with this article I could give you a little insight into the seventh stage of the Rheinsteig. If you like this article, I’m happy about a Like, a heart or a smile on your face. If you have questions, suggestions or criticism, I’m looking forward to your comments.

Greetings, Martin